Thursday 30 March 2017

Nebosh IGC courses in chennai with Safety Professionals Best coaching institute in india IGC2 Question Model

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NEBOSH Questions IGC2.


Answer both Section 1 and Section 2.  Answer ALL questions.
The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets. Start each answer on a new page.
Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate.
This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.


You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.

1                     (a)        Outline the factors to be addressed when carrying out a fire risk
assessment.                                                                                                                   (10)

(b)               Outline how the structural features of buildings can help prevent the
spread of fire and smoke.                                                                                               (6)

(c)                Identify:

(i)                  TWO types of fire detection systems;                                                                (2)
(ii)                TWO types of fire alarm systems.                                                                      (2)


You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.

2                     Identify checks that should be carried out before using a mobile crane for a lifting
operation.                                                                                                                                     (8)

3                     Identify information that should be included on a manufacturer’s safety data sheet
supplied with a hazardous substance.                                                                                         (8)

4                     (a)        In relation to noise give the meaning of the term ‘dB(A)’.                                               (2)

(b)               Outline control measures that could be used to help reduce noise levels or
exposure to noise in a workplace.                                                                                   (6)

5                     Forklift trucks are operating in a busy workplace.

Identify suitable control measures to reduce the risk of collision with workers.                        (8)

6                     Outline how the misuse of drugs or alcohol could affect the safety of a worker and
those around them.                                                                                                                      (8)

7                     Outline a range of controls that should be in place to improve electrical safety in a
workplace.                                                                                                                                   (8)

8                     (a)        Identify possible routes of entry of biological agents into the body.                               (4)

(b)               Outline control measures that could be used to help reduce the risk of
infection from biological agents.                                                                                      (4)

9                     Work is to be carried out in an excavation 2.5 metres deep. The work is expected to last for two weeks.

Outline control measures which could be put in place to help reduce the risk to
workers in and around the excavation.                                                                                       (8)

10                 (a)        Identify mechanical hazards associated with the use of a pedestal drill.                       (4)

(b)               Outline control measures that could be put in place to help reduce the risk
of injury to operators of pedestal drills.                                                                            (4)

11                 Outline factors to be considered in the selection and use of personal head
protection at

No 7/5A, Ground Floor, Rajambal Street,
Dhandeeswaram Nagar,
Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600042
Contact Safety Professionals Team for further Details :
Call : 9566666424 / 9087440004

Nebosh Courses Previous Year Question | Nebosh course in chennai we are providing best special offer!!!

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Safety Professionals NEBOSH IGC QUESTION Its best practices and previous year questions blow,


NEBOSH  Questions IGC 1                                                                                                              

Answer both Section 1 and Section 2.  Answer ALL questions.
The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets. Start each answer on a new page.
Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate.
This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.


You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.

1                     (a)        Give the meaning of the term ‘permit-to-work’.                                                              (2)

(b)                Outline the contents that should be included on a permit-to-work form.                     (10)

(c)                Identify FOUR types of activity that typically require a permit-to-work,
AND outline the reasons why in EACH case.                                                               (8)


You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.

2                     Outline factors that should be considered to determine the frequency of health
and safety inspections in a workplace.                                                                                       (8)

3                     Outline why it is important that all persons in an organisation are aware of their
roles and responsibilities for health and safety.                                                                           (8)

4                     There has been a significant increase in manual handling accidents to nursing staff working in a busy hospital.

(a)                Identify:

(i)                  organisational factors;                                                                                         (2)
(ii)                job factors                                                                                                            (2)

that may have caused this increase.

(b)               Identify sources of information that may be consulted in order to help
reduce the risk to the workers.                                                                                        (4)

5                     Identify why it is important to use a variety of methods to communicate health
and safety information in the workplace.                                                                                    (8)

6                     (a)        Outline the key stages of a workplace risk assessment.                                               (5)

(b)        Outline THREE reasons for reviewing a risk assessment.                                            (3)

7                     A worker in a busy kitchen has notified her employer that she is pregnant.

Outline factors that the employer should consider when undertaking a specific
risk assessment for this worker.                                                                                                  (8)

8                     (a)        Outline the purpose of a ‘health and safety audit’.                                                         (2)

(b)               Outline the advantages of using:

(i)                  an internal auditor;                                                                                               (3)
(ii)                an external auditor                                                                                               (3)

to carry out a health and safety audit.

9                     Outline the key elements of a health and safety management system.                                   (8)

10                 Identify content that could be included in an accident reporting training course for
all workers within an organisation.                                                                                               (8)

11                 Outline factors that should be considered when assessing the health and safety

competence of a contractor.                                                                                                       (8)

No 7/5A, Ground Floor, Rajambal Street,
Dhandeeswaram Nagar,
Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600042
Contact Safety Professionals Team for further Details :
Call : 9566666424 / 9087440004